Sunday, January 17, 2010


Basement from Ryan on Vimeo.

This is our very first film. We made it about three years ago,before we even came up with the idea for Mosaic Pictures. For the longest time,we didn't want to share it because,as you will soon see,it's a steaming pile of dog poop. The only good thing about it is how short it is. But all of this aside,we finally decided to share it with everyone because it is an important milestone for us since it was our first attempt at film-making. Plus you will see how many similarities there are between this and Pizza Can Kill You. Another fun fact,this is the same basement as in Past Midnight! I hope you will all enjoy it for what it is.A horrible,very short film,but something we couldn't be more thankful for. For without Basement,there would be no Mosaic Pictures.


1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed it. It's always nice to see the roots before they sprout into a tree.
